
sponsor a post

 Furst’s blog is a great place to promote your products or service with a sponsored post which can also include images and contact information. However, I only accept Sponsor Posts from individuals and companies whose products and services I think my readers will find valuable and/or interesting.

Sponsored posts, which can include press releases, music, videos, articles, name it, cost  15,000 per article and payment is required before posts go live.

Here are some random examples:
  • Get Up to $10,000 Per Month - Free Fiverr Newbie Success Secret
  • Etisalat NG Best Data Bundle Ever For All Smartphone and PC
  • Emandataplan: Pilot MTN Affordable Data Plans to Your DoorStep 
  • MTN NG Best Data Bundle Ever For All Smartphone and PC 
  • OpenVPN is Blazing Well With Etisalat Network [Atlernate to Etisalat Bis of 3gb] 
  • Cheap & Affordable MTN NG Data Plans for all Smartphones and PC 
Sponsoring a post will get your info permanently available on my blog, blasted out to my thousands social media followers, and passed along through RSS feeds and newsletters. Over 10,000 subscribers are currently subscribed to my blog and still counting...

I will use my SEO skills to provide long tail search engine exposure for you to enable people discover your sponsored post when they search Google and other search engines using keywords associated with your products and services.  

Please note, all links in the article will be live and connected to your site, but WILL NOT pass Pagerank. Not compulsory you have a website before I can promote your business though. 

If you sponsor a post with N20,000 instead of 15,000, I will make your info stick to the homepage and the RECENT POSTS list for an entire 30days, no matter how many posts published after your sponsored post.  I am open to negotiation if you want it to stick to the homepage for more than 30days.

I and/or my sponsors write the posts based on the information that my sponsors provide alongside my personal review.

If you'd like to submit your own high quality and original article, I will be glad to accept that and edit as necessary.

If you'd prefer, I can get your sponsorship onto an existing article. If all you're looking for is to be

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